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 Report Liverpool Hold Concrete Interest

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
seestyle Inviata - 16/02/2023 : 10:33:27
As Liverpool continue to be linked with a whole host of midfielders, the latest is Nicolo Barella of Inter Milan.After a lack of investment in the midfield positions over the past 18 months, Jurgen Klopp has seen the options available to him dwindle since the start of the season.At various stages, the German has been without , , , , and already through injury in a troubled start to the new campaign.This has led to intense scrutiny about what Liverpool have failed to achieve in the transfer market and it appeared that was only signed on a season-long loan on deadline day once Henderson was injured the day before.Scroll to ContinueIt does seem likely however that the Anfield hierarchy will make their move to refresh their midfield options over the coming months and according to (as cited by ), Liverpool hold a interest in the 25-year-old Barella.The Italian publication claims that he has a number of admirers from the Premier League and Inter will need to make a big sale between January and next summer with claims that no player at the club is deemed 'untouchable'.Read More Liverpool Coverage:Follow Us On: | | | | | |

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