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 Manchester United Full Back Struggling W

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
seestyle Inviata - 16/02/2023 : 10:14:09
Manchester United have added anumber of new players this summer to help with depth in a number of positions. was originally said to have been signed to be a second choice left back to the senior established .However, Malacia has majorly impre sed since joining United and is now seemingly the first choice.A new report has surfaced on Sunday that states that Shaw is carrying an injury at the moment.The England international suffered a major injury years ago when playing for United in Europe.Shaw however has returned to Uniteds starting 11 and has been impre sive for the past few seasons.The two opening games of the season however saw Shaw perform below par and was criticised for his display in both games.Malacia has since come in to start and has performed to a fantastic standard under Erik Ten Hag.However it has now been stated that there is a reason why Shaw has not been a member of the squad for the past few games.According to the new report from Manchester Evening News chief report, Samuel Luckhurst, Shaw is carrying an injury, he reports;Read More Manchester United Coverage:Follow The Utd Transfer Room: | Facebook & Instagram Coming Soon

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